मुनामदन लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटाको एक अद्वितीय महाकाव्य हो, जसले नेपाली साहित्यमा गहिरो प्रभाव पारेको छ। यो काव्य नेपाली लोकजीवनको सरल, मार्मिक र सजीव चित्रण हो। मुनामदनमा, मुनाको प्रतीक्षा र मदनको परदेशमा संघर्षले पाठकको मन छुन्छ।
कथा मदनको व्यापारका लागि परदेश यात्रा र त्यसक्रममा हुने कठिनाइहरूमा केन्द्रित छ। मदनको अनुपस्थितिमा मुनाले खेप्ने दुख र पीडाले कथा संवेदनशील बनाएको छ। अन्ततः मदन बिरामी भएर स्वदेश फर्किन्छ, तर मुनाको मृत्युले कथा अत्यन्तै दुःखद बनाउँछ।
मुनामदनले प्रेम, समर्पण, र सामाजिक न्यायका विषयमा चर्चा गर्दै, नेपाली समाजको यथार्थवादी चित्रण गरेको छ। देवकोटाको सरल भाषाशैली र गहन भावनात्मक अभिव्यक्तिले यसलाई सबैको मन पर्ने बनाएको छ।
मुनामदनको प्रभाव नेपाली साहित्यमा मात्र सीमित छैन, यसले हरेक नेपालीको हृदयमा विशेष स्थान बनाएको छ। यो कृति नेपाली साहित्यमा अमर काव्यको रूपमा रहिरहनेछ।
English Review
The book ‘Munamadan,’ written by Mahakavi Laxmi Prasad Devkota, depicts the life of a poor rural society in Nepal. Published in 2007 BS by Sajha Prakashan, the story centers on Madan, the main character who represents the countless Nepali youths forced to go abroad in search of work due to unemployment and poverty. Madan, despite being newly married, is compelled to leave his beloved wife Muna and travel to Lhasa to earn a living. Muna, the epitome of love and sacrifice, is heartbroken but accepts the challenges, staying behind to care for her elderly, frail mother-in-law. The narrative also portrays the struggles of a poor woman who endures immense suffering without her husband and eventually dies from grief.
Madan’s journey to Lhasa is fraught with difficulties. Abandoned by his friends who mistakenly believe he has died, Madan is ultimately saved by a man from a lower caste, highlighting the theme that greatness is measured by love and humanity, not by caste or race. Upon regaining his health and returning home, Madan finds that Muna has passed away, leaving him devastated and realizing the futility of his pursuit of wealth.
In ‘Munamadan,’ Devkota addresses the significant social issues of his time in Nepal. Shortly before his death in 1958, Devkota famously stated, “It would be alright if all my works were burned, except for Munamadan.” This book remains the most commercially successful Nepali publication to date.
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तपाईको बिचार
Dwelling Into Some Popular Poems By Laxmi Prasad Devkota - Nepali Kitab
2024-08-11 08:36:08
[…] resonate with profound themes of human existence and societal dynamics. His poems, such as “Muna Madan” and “Shrawan Mukarung,” vividly capture the essence of Nepali culture and ethos. […]